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HOPE Emergency Response Teams

Hope Emergency Response Teams (HERT) deploy groups in times of disasters such as fire, traffic accidents, and natural disasters. Bangladesh is highly prone to floods, cyclones, hurricanes, earthquakes, and monsoons. Hope recruits and trains local volunteers to be a part of these response teams and are currently working to expand the operation to the whole of Bangladesh. 

HERT Goals


Safely and Efficiently Answer to Immediate Health Needs


Deploy Teams Equipped with Sufficient Training, Flexibility, and Mobility to Disaster Areas


Work Closely with Government Entities and Local Agencies During Disasters


Strategically Prepositioning Relevant Disaster Response Supplies in Clean, Hygenic Storage Spaces for Effective Response


Training Volunteers to Be Ready to Mobilize and Respond to Disasters in Assigned Regions 
alongside with HERT


Utilize Critical Problem Solving Mindset to Quickly Adapt and Evolve in Unforeseen Scenarios

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